Top films, distributors, and producers

driving inclusive entertainment.


Supporting Inclusion in Hollywood

Dr. Stacy L. Smith and the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative collaborated with the Adobe Foundation to create a data-driven tool that would allow the public to understand who has taken inclusion seriously and been a driving force for industry change. We seek to inform, challenge, and congratulate the entertainment industry and point out where there is room to grow.

USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative


Systematically Measuring Inclusion

The Inclusion List was determined through a process of assigning points for films that met inclusion metrics. A total of 20 points could be earned:

10 Points




10 Points




Cast Point Criteria

A film could earn up to 10 points for cast inclusion based on 5 indicators (gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+, disability, age) across leads/co leads (up to 5 points) and all speaking characters if they reach proportional representation within group (up to 5 points). In the table below, each cell represents the potential to earn at least one point if the metric was achieved.

MetricGenderRace/ EthinicityLGBQT+DisabilityAge
Lead/ Co LeadAt least 1 girl/woman lead/co leadAt least 1 under-represented lead/co leadAt least 1 LGBTQ+ lead/co leadAt least 1 lead/co lead with a disabilityAt least 1 lead/co lead age 65 or older
Speaking CharactersAt least 45.5% of characters were girls/womenAt least 36.6% of characters were under-representedAt least 6.4% of speaking characters were LGBTQ+At least 24.5% of characters had a disabilityAt least 15.1% of characters were 65 or older

*When a film was led by an ensemble cast, points were awarded in the lead/co lead categories using the rules outlined for speaking characters.

Crew Point Criteria

It was possible for a film to earn up to 1 point for each behind the camera position evaluated – 10 in total. The positions were: Director, Writer, Producer, Cinematographer, Editor, Composer, Production Designer, Costume Designer, Casting Director, Assistant Director.

MetricDirectorWriterProducerCinema- tographerEditor
Individual CreditedA woman or person of color credited in the position A woman or person of color credited in the position A woman or person of color credited in the position A woman or person of color credited in the position A woman or person of color credited in the position
MetricComposerProduction Designer*Costume Designer*Casting DirectorAssistant Director
Individual CreditedA woman or person of color credited in the positionA woman or person of color credited in the positionA person of color credited in the positionA person of color credited in the positionA woman or person of color credited in the position

*For casting directors and costume designers, the historically gendered nature of the role required a different approach. For these positions, if the credited individual was a person of color, the film received a point. An additional point was awarded when a film had a woman of color director. This means that some films earned more than 10 points for the crew score.



Select an Inclusion List Below

Top 100 Inclusive


2019 to 2022

Top Inclusive


2019 to 2022

Top Inclusive


2019 to 2022


A New Model for Performance

The Inclusion List is more than simply a chance to celebrate the films, companies, and people driving change in film. The Inclusion List shows us what top-grossing films could look like in a world where inclusion is a reality. We examined the percentage of White Men, White Women, Underrepresented Men, and Underrepresented Women across each behind-the-scenes position included in the rankings. Then, we compared how the 100 films on the Inclusion List performed against the 100 top-grossing films across the same time frame (2019-2022). The results are presented in the chart below. This chart shows us that films can reflect inclusion behind the scenes and challenge the status quo. The Inclusion List is more than just a ranking-- it's a demonstration of possibilities for an industry in need of change.

White MenWhite WomenUR MenUR Women
DepartmentInclusion ListTop 100Inclusion ListTop 100Inclusion ListTop 100Inclusion ListTop 100
Production Design37%70%38%17%16%8%10%6%
Costume Designer7%19%43%61%6%5%45%16%
Casting Director18%18%52%68%3%3%26%11%
Assistant Director50%83%15%8%29%8%6%1%
Grand Total40%65%27%21%19%10%14%4%

*UR stands for Underrepresented


Explore Inclusion in Media

The Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, founded by Dr. Stacy L. Smith, is the leading global think tank studying diversity and inclusion in entertainment through original research and sponsored projects. Follow our socials to stay updated on important reports exploring diversity in Hollywood.
